

much more than words

At Idiomspace, we specialise in technical translations in subject fields as diverse as medicine, pharmacy, information technology, public relations, marketing, finance, accounting, engineering and industry.

We work exclusively with our in-house team of professionals who translate into their mother tongue – in this case, European Portuguese. This is the only way we are able to ensure the accuracy of our translations in respect of all aspects of the original source text. German, English and Spanish are our sources languages; these are languages we translate into European Portuguese.

Use of CAT tools ensures maximum consistency in the final text which, in keeping with our rigorous quality controls, is always subjected to technical review and linguistic revision after translation so that we can provide a qualitatively flawless result.

If the project requires it, and it is requested upon initial enquiry, we are also able to take care of the whole process involved in obtaining notarial certification of your documents.

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